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November 01, 2005

Day off, part IX

Today's a day off in France, All Saints' Day. You're supposed to go put flowers on the tombs of your ancestors, but we don't know anybody dead nearby.

Instead, Diane's still in her pyjamas although it's late afternoon. Emma and Tim are watching TV. Nathalie's working on some needlepoint. I've been fiddling with a new version of my LDAP schema repository, making a cleaner library of backend objects than I made before, starting from the top down this time.

Until lunch, I was having intermittent cramps. I haven't taken time to Google for what causes leg cramps and what can end them. The only thing I remember from Noakes was that studies showed runner who stretch irregularly are more likely to suffer from cramps than either runners who stretch regularly, or runners who don't stretch.

Posted by Mark at November 1, 2005 05:28 PM

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