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November 04, 2005

"Paru et pas vendu", part II

gnb-marathon-20051031.JPG At the end of the marathon I was still cramping, moving like a snail. The picture says it all, you can almost see the cramp on the front of my leg.

The pain's nearly all gone now, however. I'd like to get back out there for a run. But if the rain clears up, I'm going to get on the bike this weekend instead, aiming at waiting a whole week this time before running again.

Several people at work have wondered whether my cramps were due to the lack of organization. I'm not at all convinced. My plan, when I get some time, is to look into the problem more carefully to see if I can isolate the major factors.

The thing is, if it's something I can easily fix, like stretching more, or not running too hard in the beginning, then I should fix it. Only after I've tried to fix what's under my control should I give up trying to fix it in advance.

Posted by Mark at November 4, 2005 04:52 PM

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