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November 05, 2005

Nathalie's day off

Nathalie worked this morning, teaching English. This afternoon, she's in Crolles at her lace class. So in a way it's her day off. Yesterday afternoon, she was able to leave Diane at school and go to her framing class for a couple of hours. She's making frames for pictures and lace pieces.

Luckily for me, Tim's got mountain biking this afternoon, so I have only the two girls for a couple of hours. Tim got a CD from his mom this morning, so Nathalie said I should take the girls to the store and get them magazines or coloring books. I figured Diane would take a coloring book, but instead she had her eye on a sticker book about princesses that came with 5 play rings. Emma got a thicker magazine of Barbie related coloring, stickers, and stories.

Now Emma and Diane are trading rings. It sounds pretty heated. I may not get to use the computer for long after all.

Posted by Mark at November 5, 2005 02:00 PM

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