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November 13, 2005


It was chilly for a bike ride, 10 C (50 F), this morning, but the sky was clear. I took the route out through Montmélian in the direction, more or less, of Albertville to whatever the place is called where I turn around and come back to La Rochette and Pontcharra. The circuit comes to 53.1 km. My average speed was 30.5 kph (19 mph), but I wasn't careful to ride steady. When my legs felt tired and tight I slowed down. When they felt good I sped up. I did hit 71 kph (44 mph) coming down a big hill. Also met a few cyclists coming the other way, and a pair of them taking it easy up a big hill.

After all that eating we did with Matt and Debra, I probably need to go for a 20 km run this afternoon, too. My legs muscles still feel tired, though. Cycling seems to be a good way to get exercise while my body repairs them.

Posted by Mark at November 13, 2005 02:17 PM

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