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November 15, 2005

Quick bath

When I rolled home from work at about 7 pm, Emma was in her bath and Tim was watching a game show on television. By the time I'd shed my cycling clothes and set down my things, Emma was done. It was Tim's turn.

He used a variation on same ruse Matt and I used to resort to when told to brush our teeth. Basically, things can very easily be wet.

I said to Tim that he'd better take a quick bath, because I still had to take a shower before dinner. When I came into the bathroom, he had on his shirt and undershorts, and was making faces in the mirror. I went to the toilet, heard a big splash in the tub, and came back into the bathroom.

Tim was claiming he'd taken a bath. He was indeed dripping on the bathroom floor. Took him all of 15 seconds.

Posted by Mark at November 15, 2005 08:12 PM

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