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November 18, 2005
Inside the event horizon
On waking up this morning I was convinced our universe is inside the event horizon of a large black hole. It seemed the edge of the universe was our view of the event horizon, expanding as the black hole collapsed. Compared to time outside, our time had slowed to a crawl. We therefore saw the event horizon as receding quickly.
Time was curiously backwards in another way, however, since the big bang was in fact the flipside of a big crunch at the center of gravity of the black hole, the moment in which matter collapsed to infinite density and therefore could only decrease in density.
Then I started coming to my senses, figuring my mind was playing lazy tricks on me. It couldn't explain expansion in all directions at once without some center of gravity for the black hole. So my dream was wrong. But why was I dreaming about that?
Posted by Mark at November 18, 2005 08:38 PM
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