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November 23, 2005

More thieves and liars

From the ISP providing DSL, I got email that started out this way:

Pour plus de transparence et de simplicité, Wanadoo fait évoluer ses Conditions Générales de Vente au 21 décembre 2005.

11 pages of legalese with no change bars. I probably do have the old version somewhere, so I could spend a weekend afternoon figuring out how what they're doing.

The root problem is, you have no choice. If you're just a normal individual, you remain naked and defenseless compared to those with lawyers. If you're an ISP, you hire a lawyer to protect you from your customers. If you're a big customer, you hire a lawyer to protect you from your suppliers... and your own customers. We do it to our customers as well, giving them reams of contractual crap they have to agree to before using our products.

Isn't the rule of law great? It used to be even worse, though. Now they take you to court rather than beating you up.

Posted by Mark at November 23, 2005 10:46 PM

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