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November 25, 2005

What I missed

A43 today, copyright France 3 Television This looks like the commute I missed this morning by taking the bike and the train instead of the car. Of course it took me more than twice as long to ride as it usually does, but there were lots of folks coming into work late. I think Christopher spent about 75 minutes going 10 km.

Too bad Nathalie didn't take any still pictures of the kids. They apparently played in the yard all morning. She shoveled out the driveway... a couple of times. Quite a bit of snow fell during the morning.

The folks who own businesses that depend on downhill skiing are probably feeling pretty optimistic at this point.

Posted by Mark at November 25, 2005 08:29 PM

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Spoke with one of my neighbors while picking the kids up from school this morning. He works near where I do. He took the car yesterday, and spend 1:40 getting to work.

It took me a total of about 1:20 on the bike. Probably would've been even faster on foot.

Posted by: Mark at November 26, 2005 02:14 PM