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December 03, 2005
Red wine won't help
BBC News is running an article about new findings that suggest:
While moderate to heavy drinking is probably coronary-protective, any benefit will be overwhelmed by the known harms.... Do not assume there is a window in which the health benefits of alcohol are greater than the harms - there is probably no free lunch.
So maybe the idea that a glass of red wine with a meal is good for you is not true. (One glass a day is probably not particularly bad for you, either.) The article suggests it's more important not to smoke, but instead to get exercise, and to eat a balanced diet.
Posted by Mark at December 3, 2005 07:43 AM
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The scientists just don't get it, or rather it is excluded by the scientific method: it's not whether you drink or not (at the threshold level) it'w whether you enjoy it. It's like the fear you mention above, if you sit around worrying about the alcohol you like to drink, it won't be good for you. If you drink moderately and it makes you a happy person, that is worth much more to your quality of life than any anti-oxidants or tannins.
Posted by: Andy at December 6, 2005 02:54 AM