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December 03, 2005
Rough night
A note of caution for those of you considering having (more) kids. Even though Diane's three, Emma's six, and Tim's eight, we still had a rough night last night.
It started with Tim having an early nightmare, one of those where he's only slightly awake, terrified, and forgets it completely later. (He told me this morning that he'd slept really well, better than ever.) We were awake perhaps only half an hour around midnight, but it wasn't at a convenient point in the sleep cycle.
Next, 2:12 am, Diane's coughing got to the point where it sounded like she was going to retch. My initial thought was that she'd finally choked on the tiny pieces of plastic bitten off the end of her ragged pacifier. Then Nathalie asked me if I could go get the cough syrup, and she would bring up the humidifier from Tim's room. By quarter to three we were no doubt sleeping again.
Until Emma's air raid like cry at 6:23 am. She started crying downstairs and came up to our bedroom so she could whine about the problem. It seems Diane, who'd gone downstairs at probably 6:15 to wake her sister, had already stolen Emma's piece of chocolate for Dec. 3 from the advent calendar, stolen it from Emma's sleepy hand and put it in her mouth before Emma could do anything about it.
They don't go to school this morning. Nathalie's going first to work, then has some shopping to do. Then she's going to her lace class this afternoon. I'm sure it'll be lots of fun.
Posted by Mark at December 3, 2005 08:13 AM
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