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December 04, 2005

Rough night, part II

Diane was coughing again. We had her in our bed for a while. Nathalie and I were sitting with her as she slept so she wouldn't choke while we waited for cough syrup to take effect. Nathalie also got us up a 3:30 am to give Diane another dose of cough syrup, even though the humidifier was working in Diane's room.

Anyway, when Emma came up at 6:58 am making scratching feet sounds on the carpet, she woke me from a strange dream. Nathalie had become manager of one of the writing groups, and she reported to my manager's manager. So she learned I was going to be laid off, officially for economic reasons. My position was being cut, and my manager was going to have to do my work.

In fact I found out soon thereafter when a woman from HR who I'd never seen before took me down a long corridor to the small room where the exit interview was to take place that Sun had to let me go on request from American Embassy in Paris. They were taking me to one of those CIA camps in Eastern Europe "for observation," because I'd voted wrong in the last US presidential election.

Nathalie looked embarrassed to see me go. The kids were enthusiastic, however. We'd told them I was off on a business trip. They'd come to wave goodbye. As I climbed abord the freight train full of other men, I noticed I was wearing one of those orange pyjama outfits with leg irons.

Posted by Mark at December 4, 2005 03:07 PM

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