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December 06, 2005

And speaking of animals

Now I know why I'm not very observant. Overwrought with tension from reading too many novels lately, I made the mistake of people watching this morning while waiting for the late train. There were the usual folks I recognize. One very neat, proper looking man with small round glasses was cursing the SNCF because the train was late, although the station attendant had explained the lateness was due to une intervention de la police in Montmélian. (That had me wondering if I'd correctly signed my weekly ticket.) The man's companion was standing near him. It was unclear whether she'd decided she should look worried because the train was late, or because her friend (husband?) was obviously going to suffer the consequences of his rage, perhaps getting high blood pressure or perspiring in his scrupulously clean shirt.

A couple of women in their late forties or early fifties looked more composed, even amused. They could've been thinking about Christmas shopping. It could even have been my ridiculous looking super hero riding costume covered with mud droplets from the descent to Pontcharra.

Or it could've been what happened when another, younger female cyclist showed up on her bike. First one guy who looked a few years older than me looked her up and down from behind. But that was rather subtle, compared to the adolescent boy who stood maybe two yards a way from her, checking her out, mesmerized.

I'd swore off lecherous staring for the new year if I didn't already have a resolution in mind. Instead I got out my book, shooting a few glances askance to see if there was a rock we gentlemen could crawl under temporarily.

Halfway to work from the station in Gières, I saw a puppy looking at a hen to chase. I swear the dog had the same stare as the boy.

Posted by Mark at December 6, 2005 10:40 PM

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