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December 10, 2005
A man's gotta do...
...what a man's gotta do. Some of it may not be palatable. I got up from the dinner table last night to empty a mouse trap. The mouse had gone for the bit of reblochon. Its head had been partly crushed by the thick wire of the spring, just above the neck. Its dark eyes were wide open. They seemed to look into mine as I took the trap outside in the dark to toss the limp body into the bushes.
But may there are things a man's gotta do that on reflection he doesn't really gotta. Take for instance this BBC News story of a guy who shot a 73 year-old nun dead. It was in self defense, according to the guy who did the shooting. Dorothy Stang said, "The weapon I have is this," and pulled a Bible on him.
This was not the first explanation advanced by the defense, however. According to the story, the killers first said they shot her several times close up while she was reading from the Bible. Furthermore:
Many landowners in the area have openly argued that Sister Dorothy's murder was in legitimate defence of property.
So maybe there was a bit more going on behind the scenes.
Posted by Mark at December 10, 2005 06:47 AM
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