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December 11, 2005
Must haves, part II
Metcheck.com predicts a wet week in Grenoble. But the commute should be all right. See the mud guards:
More worrying is the chain, which is already rusted. Hope it lasts the winter. I only clean it once a week. Probably should do that every night the weather is wet.
The SNCF is opening the station in Lancey today. Same distance to work, but 8-9 minutes less train ride. It's not clear however that I'll want to take the train from Lancey in the evenings. The 18h33 from Gières runs straight through to Pontcharra, whereas anything that stops in Lancey also stops everywhere along the way except for the stations that are normally closed to the public.
Posted by Mark at December 11, 2005 12:29 PM
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