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December 11, 2005
Quick slideshow?
For each of the children, we have a bunch of JPEG photos all the same size, taken with the camcorder.
I found some doc on how to convert JPEG to MPEG, and wrote a short conversion script. (All the photos start with "dsc")
#!/bin/bash for item in `ls ${1}/dsc*.jpg` do convert $item /tmp/`basename ${item} .jpg`.ppm donels /tmp/*.ppm | xargs -n1 cat | ppmtoy4m | mpeg2enc -o mpegfile.m1v
Trouble is, this is one image per frame of the MPEG. At that rate it's just a mess. Is there a trick to slowing it down? Just cat each image a few times?
Posted by Mark at December 11, 2005 05:36 PM
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