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December 12, 2005


Nathalie called me this afternoon. Her purse had been snatched while she was shopping.

Whoever did it got about 10 euros in cash, but, because she was carrying my car papers, which I carry next to my tickets restaurant, the thief also got about 27 x 8 euros in tickets. He might not be able to buy drugs with them, but at least he'll be in good shape if he gets the munchies.

The worst part of this is that given the amount of stuff Nathalie had in her purse, it's going to be a huge chore to replace IDs, credit cards, discount cards, passport, address book, agenda, etc.

She was out when this happened of course, so I called school to tell them she might be late picking up the kids. The teacher I mentioned it to announced what I'd said to her, approximately verbatim, to both Tim's and Emma's classes. So when Nathalie did make it back in time to pick up the kids, everyone in Barraux asked her about it, was she all right, and so forth.

Posted by Mark at December 12, 2005 08:56 PM

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