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December 12, 2005

Music for running, part V

wish-you-were-here.gif Icy cold air, gray skies, this album. There's something about the bell-like Stratocaster sound that lends itself well to that atmosphere.

The Wall, in particular Comfortably Numb, reminds me not of seeing the concert in Berlin, but instead of raking leaves in the dead of Terre Haute winter at Rose-Hulman.

This one's less despairing, and less exhausting than The Wall, less cynical, and less polished than Animals. A little too smooth, still, but easy to listen to as you jog along.

Posted by Mark at December 12, 2005 10:18 PM

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The child has grown, the dream is gone.
Why were you raking leaves at RH? Did they not have a grounds staff? Were you being punished?

Posted by: anonymous at December 13, 2005 02:44 AM