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December 15, 2005

Christmas at work

Yesterday the CE at Sun had the annual Christmas party for kids. We'd ordered their presents in June. Teko was Santa Claus; kind of funny for the kids to have a young, althletically built, black Santa.

Diane got a tent with plastic balls to kick around inside. Emma got a set of things to fix her hair. Tim got a microscope. Emma was terribly jealous. I told her not to worry, that Tim would soon forget about it and she would get a chance to use the microscope. But it's tough to wait when you're 6.

They also had a movie, complete with popcorn, for the big kids. For the little ones they had a special spectacle. Mom says it was too long. The kids were all up moving around and losing interest after the first half hour.

Posted by Mark at December 15, 2005 10:06 PM

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