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December 16, 2005

Television incapacitates

Mom said the first day full she was here, the kids were ready to go to school 7 or 8 minutes ahead of time. Tim reasoned, "I guess it's because we didn't watch television this morning."

When Emma got up today at 7:08 am, she turned on the tube. Tim got up and fell on the couch almost without noticing I was there. It wasn't an evil program, just Sesame Street in translation. It was hard getting them to the table to eat their toast and drink their juice and milk, mainly because it's tough to pry their attention away from the television set.

When I took Diane a bottle of warm milk, and Nathalie her wake up cup of hot coffee, I left Tim and Emma in front of their toast. Five minutes later, Emma had managed to butter one square inch of toast. Tim had managed nothing. His toast was untouched. They had been almost completely incapacitated by television.

Watch out. It could be happening to you. You won't notice it either.

Posted by Mark at December 16, 2005 07:54 AM

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