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December 16, 2005
3/1 run for 19.6 km around Pontcharra, including three stops to drink and one relatively long wait for a train. (Took today off work.) The cold, humid wind didn't bring snow until I'd almost finished. But it felt cold the whole time.
My legs were wooden and tired. Before setting out, I was thinking of doing another lap to make it 24.5 km. Hal Higdon wrote, "Most coaches feel that once you reach 16 miles, you're in long-run territory." So even a 15-miler wouldn't be enough. Probably should be doing two 26+ km runs per week, but am not sure I'm up to it right now. I've been running and cycling too hard this week, and was too underdressed even with hat and gloves to appreciate any of it today.
Posted by Mark at December 16, 2005 01:51 PM
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