« Video capture, part XXI | Main | Model bowling alley »

December 18, 2005

Video capture, part XXII

Many CLI video processing tools are worse than ldapsearch. Check out the list of options in the man page synopsis for transcode:

transcode(1)                                                      transcode(1)

transcode - LINUX video stream processing tool

transcode [ -i name ] [ -H n ] [ -p file ]
[ -x vmod[,amod] ] [ -a a[,v] ] [ --dvd_access_delay N ]
[ -e r[,b[,c]] ] [ -E r[,b[,c]] ] [ -n 0xnn ] [ -N 0xnn ]
[ -b b[,v[,q[,m]]] ] [ --no_audio_adjust ]
[ --no_bitreservoir ] [ --lame_preset name[,fast] ]
[ -g wxh ] [ --import_asr C ] [ --export_asr C ]
[ --export_par N,D ] [ --keep_asr ] [ -f rate[,frc] ]
[ --export_fps f[,c] ] [ --export_frc F ] [ --hard_fps ]
[ -o file ] [ -m file ] [ -y vmod[,amod] ] [ -F codec ]
[ --avi_limit N ] [ --avi_comments F ] [ -d ]
[ -s g[,c[,f[,r]]] ] [ -u m[,n] ] [ -A ] [ -V ] [ --uyvy ]
[ --use_rgb ] [ -J f1[,f2[,...]] ] [ -P flag ] [ -D num ]
[ --av_fine_ms t ] [ -M mode ] [ -O ] [ -r n[,m] ]
[ -B n[,m[,M]] ] [ -X n[,m[,M]] ] [ -Z wxh[,fast] ]
[ --zoom_filter str ] [ -C mode ] [ --antialias_para w,b ]
[ -I mode ] [ -K ] [ -G val ] [ -z ] [ -l ] [ -k ]
[ -j t[,l[,b[,r]]] ] [ -Y t[,l[,b[,r]]] ]
[ --pre_clip t[,l[,b[,r]]] ] [ --post_clip t[,l[,b[,r]]] ]
[ -w b[,k[,c]] ] [ --video_max_bitrate ]
[ -R n[,f1[,f2]] ] [ -Q n[,m] ] [ --divx_quant min,max ]
[ --divx_rc p,rp,rr ] [ --divx_vbv_prof N ]
[ --divx_vbv br,sz,oc ] [ -c f1-f2[,f3-f4] ] [ -t n,base ]
[ --dir_mode base ] [ --frame_interval N ] [ -U base ]
[ -T t[,c[-d][,a]] ] [ -W n,m[,file] ]
[ --cluster_percentage use ] [ --cluster_chunks a-b ]
[ -S unit[,s1-s2] ] [ -L n ] [ --import_v4l n[,id] ]
[ --pulldown ] [ --encode_fields ] [ --nav_seek file ]
[ --psu_mode ] [ --psu_chunks a-b ] [ --no_split ]
[ --ts_pid 0xnn ] [ --a52_drc_off ] [ --a52_demux ]
[ --a52_dolby_off ] [ --print_status N[,r] ]
[ --progress_off ] [ --color N ] [ --write_pid file ]
[ --nice N ] [ --accel type ] [ --socket file ]
[ --dv_yuy2_mode ] [ --config_dir dir ] [ --ext vid,aud ]
[ --export_prof S ] [ -q level ] [ -h ] [ -v ]

Makes you want to do something else, doesn't it? Like lie down and forget the whole thing.

Posted by Mark at December 18, 2005 03:52 PM

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Yes. What did you do instead?

Posted by: Andy at December 22, 2005 10:24 AM

I used ffmpeg. See Video capture, part XXIV.

Posted by: Mark at December 22, 2005 08:51 PM