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December 19, 2005

Community radio podcasts

After dropping mom off, I listened to a podcast from New Zealand in a series called "Under the Radar." The interview was with Nicky Hager, an author who's written on a number of issues including PR campaigns and tactics employed.

As I listened, Nicky said if you end up in a situation where you expose underhanded political action by paid PR professionals, their first tactic will be to paint themselves and their clients as victims. Their second tactic will be to move to discredit your work by getting "impartial" third-party testimony aimed at weakening whatever you've said based on your evidence. Almost never will they examine the actual evidence itself to argue directly with the logic of your argument.

The first time I went to Radio4All.net was to get some of the Wizards of Money episodes, but it was mentioned by the folks who recorded Robert Fisk talking. Interesting idea. They have all manner of podcasts there. Some are better than others. Seems like they must have a sort of "more the merrier" approach to uploads. I guess you just ignore the noise.

Posted by Mark at December 19, 2005 09:02 PM

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