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December 20, 2005

Free as in libre

Over on ZNet there's an interview with Richard Stallman, in which he explains the difference between free software and open source, and why he's for free (as in liberty) software even if in the beginning it seems tougher to use.

From a certain vantage point, he's a stranger encouraging a society of heroin addicts to dump the pushers and the dope. In the beginning it might be a little rough, but you'll get over it.

The interviewer admits ZNet runs on non-free software, has a hard time believing they'll be able to kick the habit. This is ZNet, "The Spirit of Resistance Lives."

Somewhere there's a fortune cookie that sums it all up. Some people look at the most amazing things human beings know how to do, and they see us making progress. Pushing the envelope. In fact that sort of progress is slow and fraught with setbacks. Real progress comes when we know how to do something so well we don't have to think about it. There's a lot of real progress we still have to make.

Posted by Mark at December 20, 2005 09:46 PM

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