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December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas


Nathalie forced them to wait until 7:30 to go into the living room with the Christmas tree and presents. They were all assembled upstairs talking and waiting expectantly at 7:15.

By 7:45 it was all over. All the presents had been opened. I was hooking up the PlayStation for Tim, which turned out to be a complete disaster. I'd not noticed that Sony segmented their markets NTSC vs. PAL, so not only doesn't the PlayStation work with our television sets over here, none of the games you buy in Europe work with a PlayStation you bought in the US. My Christmas wish for marketing folks across the known universe is somewhat less than Christian.

The engineers skirted around their marketers with DVDs, however, so Tim's watching Star Wars. He laughed right away at the dubbing, which was done by different actors than the European French version. But the DVDs play all right now that the player is dezoned.

Emma and Diane are getting made up and trying on their dresses. Time to take more pictures.

Posted by Mark at December 25, 2005 08:44 AM

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