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December 26, 2005

Not music for running

django.gif Although a fire left him with a slightly handicapped fret hand, Django Reinhardt played amazing guitar. His fingers seem to dance around sighing bends and elegant vibrato when he takes the lead. His rhythm is almost more like backup piano in terms of richness of color. The album I have, Autour de minuit, also features Stéphane Grappelli's lyric fiddle. Those guys made great music together.

But it's not music for running. I listened to that whole album of songs between 3 and 4 minutes long one Wednesday while running long. It's better than Christmas carols any day. Yet it saps your strength somehow, like the violin on Vous et moi, plaintive, resigned, lonely. Even the upbeat parts are somehow melancholy. Now what you need as you struggle along in the cold on wooden legs.

Posted by Mark at December 26, 2005 04:22 PM

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