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January 03, 2006
Surf your weight down
According to a C|Net story:
An About.com online survey of more than 1,500 adults found that losing weight is at the top of the list for nearly half of people who make New Year's resolutions. Of those, 42 percent said their best weight-loss tool will be the Web, where they participate in support groups, subscribe to online diet sites and gather other relevant information.
Gerard Depardieu, when an interviewer remarked how much weight he'd lost, said something like, "Yes, in the last 15 years I've lost about 300 kg."
My brother does IT infrastructure for a business based on this sort of thing, though they get people directly involved in the support for weight losers. Guess those are good stats for the company where he works.
Posted by Mark at January 3, 2006 05:42 PM
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