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January 03, 2006
The Minority Report
The Minority Report is one of the stories in this fourth volume of short stories from PKD. I'd read it once or twice before, but had forgotten many of the plots. Not his best work, yet the pages keep turning.
Most of these stories seem almost within reach compared to later work like Valis. By that I mean it seems that through hard work, dedication, relentless revision, someone could actually write stories this good. Maybe Dick wrote them as fast as he could type. He claims in an appendix to have seen the Perky Pat story in one quick flash, watching his children play with Barbie dolls.
This is going to show my incompetence and complete hopelessness as even a minor creative force, but I'm not sure I even know what he means.
Posted by Mark at January 3, 2006 09:36 PM
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