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January 04, 2006
The WikiHow has a How To today on calculating your BMI, Body Mass Index.
While I ate and drank like there was no tomorrow between Christmas and New Year's, my BMI rose from 23.2 to 23.8, which is still in the healthy range apparently. According to the BMI calculations there, I could technically go as low as 71.4 kg (158 lb) and still not be unhealthily thin. Boy, would I ever be hungry, though.
Dana once said every for every unit of weight you lose, you should be able to run 2 seconds faster per unit of distance. Trouble is I cannot recall what the units were. Even if they were kilograms and miles, then dropping to the lowest healthy weight, if I could do that, might result in my being able to run a mile in under 5 minutes. If it were pounds and kilometers, I'd really be flying.
Of course the likely events that would bring me down to a BMI of 20 are grave illness and widespread famine, either of which would no doubt have serious negative impact on my capacity to train.
Posted by Mark at January 4, 2006 08:53 PM
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