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January 07, 2006

Online robbery, part II

Okay, Free.fr only stole a week, apparently.

The Freebox came this morning. The initial hookup ended in the modem showing ERR 1. The good thing about working in software is that you never expect anything just to work until you've jiggled it a little. Free's help line is reputed to be crap, but they had even thought to send troubleshooting doc! I didn't find ERR 1, but I did find a short section on hard reboot (6 power cycles), and the system seems to have come up all right.

Had to go pick the children up from school, so I haven't tried the Internet connection, yet. Will give it a whirl.

I went online here with the old connection and selected a telephone number. They say it takes 48-72 hours. I hope that's worst case. Theoretically calls to land line phones in France, Germany, the US and several other places are now officially paid for as part of the subscription.

Posted by Mark at January 7, 2006 12:11 PM

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