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January 07, 2006

Minor hacks

Most of the things I claim to repair are insubstantial. This afternoon, I managed to fix to tiny but real broken possessions: a rake with a broken handle, an under-the-seat bike bag for carrying what you need to change an inner tube.

The workspace downstairs is set up in a functional way, because Michel did all the organizing. It's like getting on a Linux system or Solaris at work. All the tools and materials you'll need are close by and quick to hand. (For OpenSolaris.org to make it with a wider crowd, lucky there's such a thing as the GNU stack.)

The rake now has a thicker, longer handle. The metal raking fingers all seem to be in relatively good shape, despite abuse, and despite the rake being quite cheap.

The under-the-seat bag broke after I started using it with the mountain bike, riding off road. It fastened under the seat with a thin plastic piece, attached by a plastic post. The bumping and occasional crashing led to the post snapping off. It's now fastened with a couple of screws and bolts.

Posted by Mark at January 7, 2006 06:23 PM

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