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January 11, 2006
Trackback and comment spam down
If you have a blog, you no doubt get spam in the comments and through trackbacks. By the way, the difference between comments and trackbacks are that comments involve somebody leaving a note on one of your blog entries, whereas trackbacks are links back from someone else's site on which they cited your entry. MovableType 3.2 has a ranking system for filtering out the comment and trackback spam. It works fairly well.
A while ago, however, I was submerged with trapped spam, hundreds of comments and trackbacks each day. That seems like a lot for a blog only a handful of people read. I felt compelled to get rid of junk comments and trackbacks by hand, for fear of slighting someone out there who left a legitimate comment that got filtered.
For some reason the comment spam recently dried up. Even the trackback spam is at a trickle of a few per day. Why is that?
Posted by Mark at January 11, 2006 09:17 PM
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I'm running Word Press and although my blog link is um, conveniently added to comments all over your website, I haven't received any spam myself. Touchons du bois.
Posted by: Andy at January 12, 2006 09:26 PM