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January 13, 2006
Some blog, or maybe it was an RSS feed from a news service, had a link yesterday or the day before to an article on researchers finding that the moment some people get out of bed, their reaction times are worse than when they are somewhat drunk.
I usually get out of bed feeling ready to go, but sure felt awful this morning. After going to bed late having failed to figure out why installing new hardware would break my Xorg setup, already exhausted from the cold yesterday morning and the day before, Diane got me up repeatedly after 4 am. First time she had the covers off. Subsequent times it was nightmares or whatever. Fell asleep for a while. At 7:12 Emma came upstairs to the bedroom to ask if she could go downstairs.
Got up to get Emma's breakfast and Nath's coffee. Could hardly walk straight. I drove in to work this morning, but only after breakfast, coffee, shower and shave. I fear spending too much time in bitter cold while being exhausted might lead to a cold.
Posted by Mark at January 13, 2006 08:30 AM
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Actually, I'm glad to hear that you took the car for once in the cold. I worry about that somewhat and frostbite repeatedly on your extremities. But then I'm your mom.
We went up to Mt Pisgah today. We thought we'd get up the Blue Ridge Parkway to a lot about 1 1/2 miles from the summit, but the Parkway was closed, so we had to walk about 2 miles up to it. Up all the way, though it was warm in the low sixties even at 4300 ft and sunny. By the time we got there we did not really want to take the time to go all the way. So looked around at the Shut-in Trail that George Vanderbilt used to come from his mansion to a hunting lodge somewhere up there. I imagine that they rode horses, though. 17 miles. We hope to go back. The beginning of the trail to Pisgah (Biblical mountain that Moses went up to get 10 commandments) was quite easy and level. At some point we could see that you get to some very steep places. They closed the parkway because of ice in tunnels and also lots of downed trees on the road that have not been cleared yet since the last ice storm when I was in France. Another big storm is predicted for tonight. We'll see.
Love, Mom
Posted by: Teena Tuenge at January 13, 2006 02:24 PM
You're my mother, and I'm no longer 11 years old. At this point in my life I'd much rather look silly than freeze.
But I have been jealous of your weather. If you can go out hiking at 4300 ft in the low 60s F, you're lucky. Hope the storm isn't too bad.
Posted by: Mark at January 13, 2006 09:31 PM