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January 14, 2006


This is me getting into a rut, but I ran the same route again as last week, about half marathon distance. Nath went to work this morning helping a guy with his English lessons. She's also got another student starting later this week, but that will be while the children are in school. The rest of today she's at a framing class.

So I didn't want to go too far or get worn out. Need to be wide awake and relatively unstressed when taking care of the children, lunch, dinner, chores and so forth.

That said, this morning 13 mi was tough. Not because it is hard to run that far at this pace, but because almost the whole time it was so cold I had thoughts of just giving up. Starting out at about 8:35, the air was bitingly cold. My toes were numb soon, and stayed that way for the longest time yet, about 10 km. After that they went numb again twice as I turned into the shade of the mountain.

When I stopped, though I'd just run uphill in -- finally -- some sunshine, ice fell off my neck warmer. This wasn't just a few ice crystals, but multiple dollops of crushed ice.

Posted by Mark at January 14, 2006 10:31 AM

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