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January 15, 2006

Station de Granier

Today Nath decided we should go to the Station de Granier, which is only a few kilometers away as the bird flies, behind the ridge that ends in Mont Granier. This may have been the first time Diane went skiing instead of sledding. She probably skied a total of 40 minutes, but enjoyed it plenty. She told the woman renting skis that it was, "Too super!" They have a flat, short "baby" slope where it was easy to have her ski between our legs.


Another nice feature of the baby slope is that we could let Emma go unassisted, which built her confidence. Nath says Emma has forgotten how to ski in parallel. So she was trying to snowplow down a fairly steep blue slope, and had to do the last bit on her bottom. She wasn't phased however and enjoyed the whole time we were there.


Tim of course reckons he could've done a lot more impressive skiing if he hadn't had to wait sometimes for his middle sister and his mom.


He enjoyed the steep blue slope, but also the shorter green slope and the baby slope while he was waiting to go higher.

Posted by Mark at January 15, 2006 04:52 PM

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