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January 21, 2006
Bringing them up right
Nathalie's bringing them up right. As we were cleaning up this morning, I had to stop Tim and Emma from fighting over who got to push the vacuum cleaner around.
Posted by Mark at January 21, 2006 01:08 PM
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Sounds like you need to buy a second vacuum cleaner. Seriously, keep one upstairs and the other downstairs. While you're being optimistic, get a second lawn mower, too.
Posted by: Andy at January 23, 2006 09:34 PM
They almost fought over the lawn mower this summer, but you cannot fight verbally when the lawn mower's running, and fighting any other way clearly would be dangerous.
I did manage to get them to take turns. We have many dangerous places in the yard, but a few areas where it's straight, and no accidents are likely. So I have some video somewhere of both Tim and Emma pushing that thing.
Posted by: Mark at January 23, 2006 10:16 PM
Wow, you are doing something right too. I hope I have that problem, but maybe my reel push mower will be less enticing. More so will be my gas-powered weed whacker, but that seems too dangerous for kids. Maybe you can get an electric edger, if you need such a thing.
Posted by: Andy at January 24, 2006 02:24 AM