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January 23, 2006
Disappointing checkup
Went to the annual work checkup. We have a new doctor, who declared me apte to work, but not to run. She said my blood pressure was too high. She also said that I should go to any pharmacy a couple of times over the month, then go see my regular doctor, tell him what I found, and have him try again.
I'm glad she told me that after taking my blood pressure again.
Will have to look into things I can do to bring my blood pressure down naturally, like not drinking enough coffee to keep me awake even through meetings, and not discussing work with anyone, ever.
Posted by Mark at January 23, 2006 06:05 PM
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Does your father have high blood pressure? I can't remember. What about your cholesterol, is that high? or don't they test for that on a regular basis?
High blood pressure is nothing to mess with if you really have it and if you can't bring it down by the good things you do then you may have to take medication for the rest of your life. Please take it seriously and don't semi-ignore it because you hate going to the doctor. You could get your own blood pressure apparatus and take it yourself at various times.
Love, Mom
Posted by: Teena Tuenge at January 25, 2006 07:40 PM