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January 23, 2006


This is the second time a doctor has told me my blood pressure reading was too high. The Wikipedia article on hypertension says:

Diagnosis of hypertension is generally on the basis of a persistently signficantly raised blood pressure. Usually this requires three separate measurements at least one week apart.

That must be why I need to go back and get it measured several times again.

When Rantz first said it was high, I remember him talking about 14 over something. Today it was apparently 15/8, whatever that means, perhaps 150/80 mmHg. I felt oddly exhausted from the moment I got out of bed this morning. Maybe that's related to the measurements, or at least related in that I drank a fair amount of coffee.

Noakes writes, "Blood pressures that are consistently raised above 165/95 mmHg are a definite indication for drug therapy." Then he goes on to say that drugs typically harm your performance.

Statistically, exercise is supposed to help. Diet as well, including losing weight, reducing sodium intake, and reducing fat and cholesterol is also supposed to help.

I wonder about the pressure in the back of my head, which was fixed at one point by the chiropractor. I seem to be tense around the neck again, but I'm not getting the headaches I had before.

Posted by Mark at January 23, 2006 10:16 PM

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