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January 28, 2006

Hamas wins Palestinian elections, part IV

BBC News has yet another one in this saga. It's primarily a reprint, but there's some that's new and newsworthy:

Israel has indicated that newly elected Hamas legislators will not be granted free access between Gaza and the West Bank.

The BBC's Richard Myron in Jerusalem said it means Hamas MPs in Gaza will not be able to travel to the Palestinian parliament in Ramallah in the West Bank, as they would have to cross Israeli territory.

Our correspondent says if Israel does chose to confine Hamas legislators to Gaza, it will make governing the divided territories even more difficult.

So the democratically elected representatives, one of whom in the last article was saying they want a unified government, is going to be prevented from governing, probably for security reasons. In your mind, you can transpose that for your country. Imagine a nearby powerful nation steps in after your election and says, "Sorry, the elected representatives cannot meet because they pose a security risk to us."

Surely Israeli authorities are in good faith, doing this only to protect their population.

I wonder if Richard Myron's going to get in trouble for having stated the obvious.

Posted by Mark at January 28, 2006 01:10 PM

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