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January 29, 2006

Chat perdu

Ce weekend un petit chat noir, malade et qui ronfle en respirant, se trouve a la porte de notre maison. En voici une photo un peu floue :


S'il est a vous, ou que vous voulez vous en occuper, laissez votre email en commentaire.

(We all feel horribly callous. If we take him in, however, we'll have to keep him and take him to the vet and so forth.)

Posted by Mark at January 29, 2006 12:06 PM

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Sorry, no takers here, we had to deal, ahem, lovingly took care of one ourselves. I'm writing to record the silliness of the Google ads on your page. They apparently had trouble with the French text here and thought it best to advertise "Drakkar noir" to your readers. I wonder if anyone is recording the silliest ad placements somewhere.

You should offer to mark up your text with language tags (to create more targetted ads) in exchange for a higher rate. Or maybe not, given how it seems Google has their bots on everything these days.

Posted by: Andy at January 30, 2006 11:31 PM

Entertainment is the single reason for me to use Google ads. I'm not supposed to mention them, however. It's in the contract.

Once I blogged about a rodent that peed on my car. The next day all the ads were about bladder control products.

I wonder if people with unwanted comment and trackback problems get sleazy Google ads as well.

Posted by: Mark at January 31, 2006 05:48 PM