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February 04, 2006

Should give in to check up, part V

This morning at 7:15 I was at the cardiologist's office. His assistant attached some leads to my legs, arms, and chest and took what looks like an ECG. The doctor was very busy already before 8 am, but he came back and did an ultrasound and took my blood pressure. He didn't find anything worth noting. "Rien à signaler." He read my blood pressure as 14/8, which he said was okay.

I asked him if I could continue running, and he said no problem. His assistant who gave me the ECG said she was going to run the NY marathon this year. She'd never run a marathon before.

The atmosphere there at the cardiologist's office, which he shares with two colleagues and several assistants, looked fairly stressful. They seem to have a bunch of patients at once. All the patients I saw were guys, though some of us looked in good shape, and others of us looked like we were about to keel over.

The doctor's assistant ended up having me wait a while, then she fitted me with the apparatus I'm wearing now. It puffs up the cuff on my left upper arm every 20 minutes to take my blood pressure all day and night today. More than somewhat inconvenient, but I guess we'll know if my blood pressure is really high or if I'm suffering from white coat effect.

Posted by Mark at February 4, 2006 11:03 AM

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