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February 12, 2006

Through the frozen vineyards

This morning the sky was as clear as yesterday. We had heavy white frost on the yard and the cars. Last night I was so exhausted I feel asleep reading on top of the covers shortly after 9 pm. Then I woke up in the middle of the night and finally got up from 2:45 to about 5:30 before going back to bed and to sleep for 1:30. Since the other adults were sleeping, I took the 7-9 am shift with the four older children. Diane had also gotten up in the middle of the night and switched to her grandparents' bed, after wanting to turn on the light and play.

Nathalie slept in a little, but I brought her coffee at 9. I went to for a bike ride from about quarter past nine to quarter past ten. Though I met several cyclists, it was almost too cold to ride. My hands and feet hurt from the cold. They still tingle.

The scenery was a winter postcard, but without snow in the valley. A breeze blew the polution off to the south a couple of days ago, and so you can now see each edge of each ridge on the Chartreuse, especially in the cold morning. In the frozen vineyards, the wires that bare the grape vines glinted in the sunlight, giving the impression from far off of being powdered with shiny ice.

Posted by Mark at February 12, 2006 11:09 AM

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I wish you had a GPS-heartrate-digicam-cyclocomputer so you could map your route easily and show us the pictures.

Posted by: Andy at February 13, 2006 07:28 PM

You got it. I purposely left everything, including my watch, at home so I could enjoy the scenery and avoid feeling like it was a time trial. Would've taking it even easier had I not been getting too cold.

Posted by: Mark at February 13, 2006 08:44 PM