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February 12, 2006

Magic and makeup

matt-tim-20060212.jpg chloe-emma-20060212.jpg Chloe and Matthieu have been visiting on the way home from skiing in Areches.

Although the boys spent some time with the PlayStation, the children have most fun with the costumes, of which there are two laundry baskets full. Matthieu pulled out Tim's magicians gear and showed us his tricks. The tough part is having to ask the audience how to perform the trick before you do it. Only spoils it for people over 8 years old, though.

The girls have applied lots of makeup in the last 24 hours. We had company for the aperitif this morning, Emma's former babysitter, Nathalie. From across the room Nathalie thought Emma and Diane had chapped and bleeding lips. They've both gotten the idea of which general part of the face to apply the lipstick, but haven't quite narrowed down the boundaries, yet.

Now we have three snowboarding on the PlayStation. They've come home from running around the lake near Les Marches in order to have a snack, and because the cold mist is coming back.

Posted by Mark at February 12, 2006 04:58 PM

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