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February 15, 2006

Reassuring words

Forbes.com has an article on how to get fired, Stupid Is As Stupid Does. The themes are that you have no privacy, due to backups of everything you do on the computer, and that you'd better, "Be in tune with the corporate culture," according to a CEO of a coaching and out-placement company.

Blogging the wrong way is identified as one of the things that can get you thrown out.

I'm amazed this article made it into the list of things to publish. Clearly all of us have fully voluntary work agreements with employers, such that working for them is a contract we enter into freely on both sides. Employers trust us to try to do the right things, and we trust them to work unceasingly in our best interests.

So why would it be so easy to get thrown out that all you have to do is, like Bloomberg's employee, play solitaire on your computer during business hours?

Posted by Mark at February 15, 2006 08:59 AM

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