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February 17, 2006

Some vacation

We have 25 vacation days a year in France, plus 12 instead of a 35-hour week. Plus I think I have some days for seniority. Estimating based on the legal working year of 215 +- 2 days, for the last year I kept track, I worked approx. 50-hour weeks on average. Yet I am out of the office therefore more than most of my US-based colleagues.

Next week is one of those weeks. I've learned that when you take a week off, people route around you. When you take a day off, you have to catch up as if you'd just gotten a day behind.

What am I going to do with my time off? Take care of the kids, maybe work in the yard. I also have some longer term plans, but it'll probably be impossible to achieve anything, since the kids are on vacation as well. The alternative was to saddle Nathalie with the three of them full time. Not a fair fight in winter.

Posted by Mark at February 17, 2006 07:51 PM

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