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February 19, 2006
Connection down all morning
I have not yet figured out where the problem occurred, but our DSL connection was interrupted again all morning. Our provider of course provides a procedure that systematically blames France Telecom. Yet I don't recall ever having more than momentary outtages, always fixed by restarting the software connection, when France Telecom was our provider.
The technical people at our provider are probably aware this sort of thing happens, because in general they're quite competent. Maybe it's at the transfer of the ATM frames from FT equipment to Free.fr equipment. Maybe it's just that the bankers who own Free.fr figure consumers will have no recourse, and will just blame FT, even though they're aware the problem is on Free.fr's side. If we, Free.fr's customers, could find that out, we could perhaps force them either to give us money back pro rata, or with a penalty, such that they'd be forced to provide higher quality service.
Posted by Mark at February 19, 2006 12:48 PM
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