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February 26, 2006
Webcam on Ubuntu, part IV
I can manage to get GnomeMeeting from one system to call NetMeeting on the laptop from work, which has Windows on it. I can get audio from NetMeeting that plays back through GnomeMeeting and vice versa, but I cannot get audio with the webcam to work in GromeMeeting. I cannot even get the text to go through for reasons I do not understand. Quite frustrating.
Furthermore, it's not clear how I can post my H323 address out through the NAT, nor can I figure out how I'm going to be able to find someone else's H323 address. In some ways it feels like this stuff's not quite ready for prime time on Ubuntu.
Posted by Mark at February 26, 2006 02:51 PM
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You could try out Ekiga which is the 2.0 version of GnomeMeeting. I heard they made lots of improvements. Someone has also set up a debian package repository for Ekiga snapshots (that are working on breezy, too - dapper will include it anyway):
deb http://snapshots.gnomemeeting.net/ubuntu breezy main
Posted by: Christian Juner at March 21, 2006 04:46 PM
I have Ekiga on the system where I'm running Dapper Drake. Works well. I'll try Ekiga on Breezy now.
Posted by: Mark at March 21, 2006 08:42 PM