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March 01, 2006

Working from home

As you can tell from my last post, I'm trying real working from home, not just meetings and email.

VNC over my line just doesn't cut it. I fixed some man pages and things in a doc, very specific changes. It's agony compared to the regular LAN. So I'm going in to work.

If I could avoid the X traffic and instead work with copies of the files, it could be done. I could work from here. But I'd need a local version of our SGML editor, or I'd need other people in the team to somehow not screw up the lines. Arbortext's application reformats the lines for it's own purposes, the main one I see being vendor lock-in, so that although it's SGML, you cannot really use a regular text editor such as Emacs + PSGML in practice.

Posted by Mark at March 1, 2006 11:16 AM

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