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March 03, 2006

Heavy rain coming, part II

According to Luke, the weather in Paris leaves something to be desired.

Dunno what it's like in the Gresivaudan valley this AM, but Paris is like smthg from the point of no return 4 or 5 hours into a Cecille B DeMille epic, just after God decides that he's had enough of the iniquities anmd transgressions of his people. It is raining fire, brimstone, locusts, frogs and swords of ice. Sodomites and adulterers are sponteneously combusting and although it is very, very dark, I discerned one woman turning into a pillar of salt.

Metcheck just has little falling swastikas coming out of angry looking clouds.
If it's like this on Sunday, it'll be ugly.

As mentioned the other day, we're running Sunday morning.

Posted by Mark at March 3, 2006 11:32 AM

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