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March 03, 2006
Just one more star
Timothee got his second star today, passing the skiing test. He was so impressed with himself he stopped watching TV for about 8 seconds to come tell me about it on the phone.
Emma apparently did not get her first star. Nathalie said only 5 of the 12 in Emma's group got their stars.
They've been having rough weather up in the mountains. Nathalie said there are about 70 cm (more than 2 ft) of snow on the car since last Saturday afternoon. She's worried about coming back down the hill. They hope the road will be cleared off for the Saturday traffic.
Diane has not gone back to day care. She kept feigning aches, pains, and mental anguish at the thought of not being able to get 1-on-1 babysitting from one of the adults.
Posted by Mark at March 3, 2006 10:33 PM
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