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March 05, 2006


mark-20060305.jpg Paris half-marathon today. The temperature when we hopped in the car to drive across Paris at 8 am was -5 C (23 F). I ended up overdressing with neck warmer, hat, gloves, undershirt, plus my winter jogging clothes.

The temperature rose even as 10 am rolled around. I finished carrying my gloves, sleeves rolled back, hat and neck warmer stuffed down the front of my tights. Was overheating whether the sun was out.

Was glad to have all that clothing when I stopped. Immediately got cold and shivered until we finally got into Luke's car about 2 hours later.

My average hear rate, 183, is outrageously high if my max. is still about 194-195. I'm more out of shape than I thought, and my roughly half marathon circuit I run on Saturday mornings must be significantly shorter than 21.1 km. Perhaps it's only 20.


Posted by Mark at March 5, 2006 10:09 PM

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Sounds like if any race organizers wants bad weather for their race they only have to get you to come.

You averaged close to seven minutes a mile for 13.1 miles which sound very fast to me. Congratulations.

Posted by: Dana at March 6, 2006 05:24 AM

It seems I came in 2181th out of about 20000, according to the results on the site, http://www.parismarathon.com/cgi-bin/2006/Standings.exe?submit=Go&nbriders=10&race=semi&language=FRA&categorie=tout&nom=5764&mode=dossard

Over 23000 signed up but only between 16000 and 17000 finished.

According to McMillanRunning.com, this time translates into a 3:16:12 marathon, so I've not improved over last year, yet. Time to add some speedwork.

Posted by: Mark at March 6, 2006 09:19 AM